Caterpillar MPD To Nmea2000 Via Veratron VMH 70

We have created in a house plug and play solution. Where you can plug in a fully color display to replace the old Caterpillar MPD display shown below. * You can purchase the display here Veratron VMH70 includes additional images, including customer images.


The Displays are typically sun burnt as shown big dark spot in the middle, or the ribbon is burnt off internally causing vertical lines or horizontal lines on the display. These displays can be repaired or they can be replaced with the Veratron VMH 70. Please be advised that you maybe missing some parameters. Although we do our best to show most parameters available, this is a aftermarket solution not supported by Caterpillar themselves.

A fully color display with J1939 DM1 alarms, Nmea2000 output of engine data, 2, Tachometer inputs 6 analog inputs to connect multiple tanks or other sensors Oil Pressure, Coolant Temp etc, 2 4-20ma inputs, 3 0-5V inputs, and 2 J1939 inputs. We typically suggest replacing both displays per motor, instead of running 1 display for both motors. The displays are fully SUNLIGHT readable and are IPX7 rated. The footprint of the display are pretty close in size to the Caterpillar MPDs

VMH70 Dimensions in Detail:

Caterpillar Display Dimensions in Detail:

Beware of the lip that goes around the display. Since this accounts to the mounting of the unit.

12-Pin Plug and Play Harness w/Buzzer w/Fuel sensor connections

We have a inhouse plug made that plugs into the pre-existing harness. Includes a buzzer and shrink wrapped wiring covering the unused wires. 

Parameter support

It is easier to list what is supported versus what is not supported. If you don't see your parameter listed. Then this product may not be a correct fit for you.

Supported J1939 Parameters
  • Engine Speed (RPM)
  • Engine Boost Pressure
  • Engine Coolant Temp
  • Fuel Pressure
  • Fuel Burn Rate
  • Air Intake Temperature
  • Engine Load %
  • Exhaust Temperature
  • Engine Oil Temperature
  • Engine Oil Pressure
  • Transmission Oil Temperature
  • Transmission Oil Pressure
  • Engine Hours
  • Fuel Tank Level (1-4) 
  • Trip Fuel (Used)
  • Voltage
Alarms Supported J1939
  • Engine Speed (RPM)
  • Boost Pressure
  • Exhaust Gas Temperature
  • Engine Oil Pressure
  • Engine Coolant Temperature
  • Engine Oil Temperature
  • Transmission Oil Pressure
  • Transmission Oil Temperature
  • Fuel Level
  • Water in Fuel

Not all are currently listed. For more information directly from the company that makes the display. Visit

Other Details

I've had a few customers call and ask about the alarms. On the current installation on other vessels, the display will give you "SPN Codes" or numbers to identify the problem. Full list of SPN Codes are available here, You can connect your current fuel/water tanks to the new display as well and they will show up on the NMEA 2000 network as well.

*Disclaimer: This product is not a direct replacement recommended by the manufacturer. This product is intended as an aftermarket solution. All Caterpillar logos are trademarked and owned by Caterpillar.  

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